To Become a Training Sponsor : Introduction

The mission of Florida University of Sanitary Education is to provide water and wastewater treatment plant operators and supporting staff with the latest in emerging technologies, process control, procedures, methods, and improved concepts in a training program to enhance their knowledge and experience within the workplace and award required Continuing Education Units (ceu’s) for license re-certification.

FUSE is committed to a long term plan of developing training sponsors and material in which students retain knowledge from their training courses, rather than memorizing or searching for answers to pass a course quiz. FUSE is involved in a national discussion of surveying the transfer of knowledge from the instructor and course to the student or operator. FUSE has worked for many years to obtain the high level and standardization utilized today in our course curriculum, thus our policy is to maintain this high level through the review process of any course or sponsor solicitation.

Our program policy and ranking requirements of sponsorship courses must meet the basic course content and time requirements, satisfy tracking and monitoring requirements for distance education, provide certificate of completion, report these course completions with the amount of ceu’s earned by each operator on a timely basis, and provide verification to the state administrators upon inquiry. We have met this challenge and will provide references concerning our performance as a Training Provider. According to the FDEP Manual, we will evaluate each sponsorship application for compliance with the Department Rule as well as, meeting the requirements of the sponsor program.

To Become a Training Sponsor : Introduction

An application form, checklists, and associated instructions are included for approval of each type of training:

  • Classroom training courses
  • Training at Conferences
  • Training at Association Meetings
  • Self-Study training courses – correspondence and/or web based training